If you're visiting for the first time, welcome! We hope you feel warmly welcomed during your time with us. 

Below are answers to some questions you may have:


  • Sunday school for all ages starts at 9:45 AM. The Worship Service starts at 10:55 AM and typically runs an hour long.

  • Come as you are! You'll see everything from suits and dresses, to jeans and shorts.

  • Parking is primarily on Main Street and in the court house parking lot directly across the street. If you have mobility challenges, there are dedicated handicapped spaces directly in front of the church.

  • Yes! Sunday school for all ages is available from 9:45 - 10:45 AM. During the worship hour, we offer Worship Care for preschoolers and worship bags for school age children. Many of our preschoolers attend worship with their parents until the children's moment and then return to their classroom. 

    You are always welcome to bring your child with you to worship for the entire hour. Worship bags, which include quiet activities for them to do during the service, are located in the back of the sanctuary.

  • If you are coming for Sunday school, enter the church from Main Street, through the welcome center ramp (beside the sanctuary). You can follow the signs inside the welcome center to guide you to your class. 

    If coming for worship, you're welcome to enter the Sanctuary from the outside steps on Main Street. 

  • There are several ways of joining our church. Primarily, becoming a member of the church happens by profession of faith and baptism. If you have already been baptized, you may join our congregation by transfer of letter (if coming from another Baptist church), or by statement of faith (if coming from another Christian tradition).

    Typically, a person wanting to join our church would come forward during the invitation hymn at the end of a worship service and speak with the Pastor or another minister. We would then share your desire with the congregation so we can meet, affirm, and welcome you.

    You can learn more about membership by speaking with one of our ministers, or by calling the church office.

  • Learn more about our mission opportunities, opportunities for Sunday school or midweek gatherings, children's ministry, youth ministry, music ministry. You may also find it helpful to watch a worship service.

    You're also welcome to call the church office at (828) 286-9047 or email us to set up an appointment to talk to a minister.